Brazil Mission Trip

Beyond the Walls Ministries is currently making plans for Brazil for the summer of 2019, and we would like you to consider joining us. Preparations are already underway for our work with local churches in the city of Montes Claros.

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Brazil Mission Trip

Partnership Missions: International

Consider where you may be interested in working. Below is a list of needs for the ministry this year. Preachers Evangelistic visitors Construction workers to build 2 chapels Drama Workers VBS Workers Sports volunteers Street Team Cooking Team Medical/Dental/Eye Clinic Team

Dates: 01/01/2019 - 06/30/2019

Church Connection: Highland Baptist Church

Association: Evangeline Association


Brazil Mission Trip

16 Rua Operaria
Montes Claros, 39400

Phone: (337) 359-7689

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