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Calgary Send City Missionary

Daryl Molyneaux

Daryl Molyneaux is the Send City Missionary in Calgary, Alberta. He has served in various ministry positions in Canada and USA, most recently as the founding/senior pastor of a church plant in Ontario, Canada. He is passionate about promoting the message of Jesus and impacting communities through planting Gospel centered churches focused on God’s Word, prayer, evangelism, and disciple making. Developing leaders is also close to his heart. Throughout 25 years of full time ministry Daryl has assisted in establishing international church plants and studied extensively, most recently completing a Doctor of Ministry degree from Southeastern Seminary. Daryl and his wife Ruth have been married for 23 years and share their lives with their children Zachary (18), Maya (16) and Nicholas (7). Together, they are eager to serve the Lord and look forward with anticipation to all that He will accomplish in and through them!

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